
在paul graham博文the hardware renaissance 中,paul写道在最近的育成公司中,84家中的七家硬件公司普遍比其他公司情况好。虽然投资人对硬件创业仍不看好,但创始人教育投资人的情况时有发生。最近很多的原因都促成了硬件创业的趋势:群募网站上硬件项目募资都很好,更多的手持设备,使连接和遥控变的更方便;更好的电动马达;更加快速的网络速度;还有更平易近人的各种硬件制造设备,比如3d打印机,cnc机器,laser切割刀等。


我常常告訴有創業念頭的人:「別再想了,做吧!」因為一直我認為:A) 不做,你的期望值永遠是零,只能等到別人成功了,才在那抱怨「這個 Idea 當初我也有想到」;B) 好的 Ideas,不是在家裡想出來的,而是一邊做,一邊碰撞出來的。

My first blog

Welcome to my blog about startup! This is my first post. I will try to update my blog as often as possible in the future, maybe a new post everyday about the new things I learned that I thought maybe useful to be a good startup entrepreneur.
I found a very interesting blog today run by feross, a brilliant and hardworking 21 years old people which is younger than me. He is a great programer and built many creative and beautiful website. I will keep learning and improving myself in the rest of my life and share all the experience here.

Happy blogging!
